Performance Evaluation, Specification, Deployment and Verification of Building Control Sequences

OpenBuildingControl will develop tools and processes for the performance evaluation, specification, deployment and verification of building control sequences.
There will be three key efforts to develop tools that support design, deployment and operation:
Design |
We develop a controls design tool that will enable the selection and performance comparison of building control strategies that reduce energy and peak power while increasing air quality and comfort. This tool will also allow to export control sequences and functional verification tests, expressed in a digital form using an open-standard controls description language (CDL). |
Deployment |
We support the industry development of tools to interpret CDL in order to provide submittal documents and generate programming code for the building control vendor’s product line. |
Operation |
For commissioning and operation, we develop a functional verification tool that takes CDL, together with a list of control points, to verify that the control sequences have been implemented correctly and are functioning correctly. |