This documentation is a working document for the design, development and implementation of the OpenBuildingControl software.
The document is work in progress, used as a discussion basis, and any of the design may change. To edit the document, go to
- 1. Preamble
- 2. Conventions
- 3. Process Workflow
- 4. Use Cases
- 4.1. Controls Design
- 4.1.1. Loading a Standard Sequence from a Library
- 4.1.2. Customizing a Control Sequence for an HVAC System
- 4.1.3. Customizing and Configuring a Control Sequence for a Single-Zone VAV System
- 4.1.4. Customizing and Configuring a Control Sequence for a Multizone VAV System
- 4.1.5. Performance Assessment of a Control Sequence
- 4.1.6. Defining Integration with non-HVAC Systems such as Lighting, Façade and Presence Detection
- 4.2. Bidding and BAS Implementation
- 4.3. Commissioning, Operation, and Maintenance
- 4.1. Controls Design
- 5. Requirements
- 6. Software Architecture
- 7. Control Description Language
- 7.1. Introduction
- 7.2. Overview of CDL and Terminology
- 7.3. Syntax
- 7.4. Permissible Data Types
- 7.5. Encapsulation of Functionality
- 7.6. Elementary Blocks
- 7.7. Instantiation
- 7.8. Connectors
- 7.9. Equations
- 7.10. Connections
- 7.11. Annotations
- 7.12. Composite Blocks
- 7.13. Extension Blocks
- 7.14. Replaceable Blocks
- 7.15. Extension of a Composite Block
- 7.16. Model of Computation
- 7.17. Metadata
- 8. Control eXchange Format (CXF)
- 9. Documentation of Control Sequences
- 10. Controls Library
- 11. Code Generation
- 11.1. Introduction
- 11.2. Challenges and Implications for Translation of Control Sequences from and to Building Control Product Lines
- 11.3. Translation of a Control Sequence using a JSON Intermediate Format
- 11.4. Export of a Control Sequence or a Verification Test using the FMI Standard
- 11.5. Modular Export of a Control Sequence using the FMI Standard for Control Blocks and using the SSP Standard for the Run-time Environment
- 11.6. Replacement of Elementary CDL Blocks during Translation
- 12. Verification
- 13. Generating a Modelica Model from Semantic Model
- 14. Example Application
- 15. Glossary
- 16. Acknowledgments
- 17. References